Parent Information

Here is all of the latest information on music in KUSD.

Our Music Curriculum

First Steps in Music (3K-2nd Grade)

Conversational Solfege (3rd-5th Grade)

Quaver Music (3K-5th Grade)

Grading in the Music Room

Kindergarten-5th Grade students are graded based on the following:

National Core Arts Standards

Create~ Students will generate, develop, and refine artistic work.

Perform~ Students will analyze, develop, and convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Respond~ Students will critically interpret intent and meaning in order to evaluate artistic work.

Connect~ Students will relate prior knowledge and personal experience with music to cultural and historical contexts.


Students will receive a score from 1-4 in each of the standards above

1~ Area of Concern

The learner is not yet able to demonstrate explicitly taught knowledge and skills

2~ Progress Toward Benchmark

The learner demonstrates some explicitly taught knowledge and skills and/or is not yet independent

3~ Meeting Benchmark

The learner independently demonstrates explicitly taught knowledge and skills

4~ Exceeding

The learner demonstrates in-depth applications that go beyond what was explicitly taught